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Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

Tribes: Vengeance

Kilka ciekawszych rzeczy o zapowiadanym na koniec 2004 roku T:V, z komentarzem yavora, niekoniecznie obiektywnym...

Planning began in late 2001. Irrational has been working on the game for just about one year.

...dawno temu wybrali engine UT... ZANIM pojawil sie engine UT2003, a wiec bazujac na tym, co potrafil stary UT. I kod sieciowy sie im podobal...

As far as modifications to the engine go, we are adding normal mapping and volumetric shadows, we've rebuilt the physics system from the ground up, and we're making some major improvements to the outdoor rendering code. We're also doing a ton of little optimizations and refinements to speed things up as well as help our designers be more efficient.

Certainly the normal mapping on the characters makes a 2,000-polygon model look like it has 200,000 polygons.

The way the story is told is anything but linear, moving back and forth between two timelines separated by about 20 years.

Since Tribes: Vengeance is a "prequel," you have to think of predecessors to the weapons in Starsiege: Tribes and Tribes 2. There will be some of the old favorites and some that players haven't seen before. Certainly, the spinfuser will play a prominent role.

A group of community map designers have already started working on Tribes: Vengeance map ideas, and we expect that the community will have many maps and perhaps even some mutators or mods complete by the time we ship. They're very excited about the possibilities.

The weapons and jetpacks of Tribes: Vengeance scream for wide-open spaces. There will be some interior areas like in past games, and the single-player story will take us into some very impressive interiors, but the majority of the game will continue to take place outdoors.

Is it going to be possible to "rewind" demos when viewing them? No.

...podziwiam autora pytania... Przy calym "bogactwie" obslugi dem, jakie oferuje UT2003, pytanie o przewijanie w tyl zakrawa na powazna naiwnosc...

The game is infantry-centric, but vehicles are included for a variety of reasons:
- they're fun to drive
- they're easy to use
- they capable of moving in different ways to infantry
We will definitely be having vehicles, but they are being redesigned from scratch to fulfil those criteria.

How many differnt armors (ex, light medium heavy) do you wish to incorporate into the game? We're using the classic three - Light, Medium and Heavy - but we're modifiying their capabilites to better balance their use (Medium has been underused, previously).

...tym niemniej assault byl w wielu przypadkach niezastapiony (base rape, pilot, base defender, cap na Mino itp.). Nie podoba mi sie pomysl takiego konstruowania swiata gry, aby kazdy pancerz byl wykorzystywany w jednakowym stopniu. Nadmiar rownowagi grozi wbrew pozorom nuda...

Tribes: Vengeance will have water. Graphically, we have the engine and the artists to make it look very cool. Gameplay-wise, our intention is to make water a fun part of any map, not a detrimental velocity-leech.

Question: T2 Base was seen by many of it's players as too 'Defense' orientated. What measures are being put in place to address this issue and keep the gameplay as balanced as possible? Maps, equipment, and physics are designed to keep the gameplay more balanced. Maps in particular play a very significant role. T2 Base had quite a few maps with bases that were very far apart and/or flags that were buried deep underground.

...tym niemniej sporo map nie mialo tych flag zakopanych, a w "defense-oriented" base wiecej bylo walki w srodku mapy, w poscigu, niz w classicu, gdzie koncentruje sie ona niemal wylacznie wokol baz.

Will you keep up the standard that T1/T2 has in the way of voting missions, removing a player (kick), voting time limit etc the way both T1/T2's have had it? As in, none of this Q3 "/vote yes" stuff and pressing F2 to vote yes, clearly show the vote and a progression, much like T2. Yes.

...uf. Jak sobie przypomne te problemy z podstawowymi glosowaniami w UT czy TO, jakos robi mi sie nieswojo...

Will we see CTF? A new Team Rabbit incarnate... or something new? You'll see CTF. You'll also see new ways of playing the game. We're not releasing details yet.

The T:V map editor is based on UnrealEd. It's modified to be more appropriate for Tribes. Check out the forums at www.tribes2maps.com for details.

The story deals with the different Tribes as if they reflected different facets of our own society. Each Tribe occupies a different niche (technologically, economically and sociologically), running the gamut from poor and nomadic to opulent and decadent. There's still "tribal" tribes, but there are other, totally different groups as well.

"Easy to learn but hard to master" is the goal. How to do that is a topic worthy of a book. Briefly, here are some design approaches we're taking:
- create a single player experience that uses all the same systems as the multiplayer experience
- design a physics system from the ground up with a particular learning curve in mind; that learning curve is soft and gradual at the beginning and grows exponentially over an extended period of time
- design armor, weapons, and vehicles that make the best possible use of this physics system in a variety of fun and interesting ways
- keep it simple; allow complexity to emerge from a solid foundation
- allow gameplay to evolve; in fact, encourage gameplay evolution and be careful not to stifle it with unnecessary design decisions
- create a musical instrument to be played for a very long time, not a song to be listened to but once or twice

...chce to widziec... "latwe do nauczenia, trudne do mistrzowskiego opanowania"...

No weapons require cooperation, but all could benefit from it. When you think about it, even firing a disc to clear an HoF for an incoming capper requires cooperation. I know that's not really what you were getting at, but we're not releasing weapon details yet.

Members of the DEV have said that the official maximum players on a server will be 32 but with edits to config files that number can be increased. If it is relatively so simple to increase the max player count why not give the option to go beyond 32 in-game? Basically what was the rationale when deciding upon a 32 player maximum?

...odpowiedz na to pytanie jest cudna:

The rationale was to be conservative. There are technical wildcards and 32 is a relatively safe number.

...wierze, ze jest wzglednie bezpieczna. Kod sieciowy UT po prostu ZDECHNIE przy wiecej niz 32 graczach, bo ma problemy juz z 16-20. I pomyslec, ze zdarzylo mi sie grac w cos kolo 80 osob w T2 i bylo lepiej, niz np. na slynnej Silesii w UT, choc ten ostatni serwer byl polski, a ten 80-osobowy - brytyjski. By sie uczciwie przyznali, ze engine narzuca im powazne ograniczenia...

is the administration of tribes (as in clans) online (as in member lists, profiles, etc in the browser) going to be similar to that of T2, reworked or just totally scrapped?

...na to pytanie odpowiedz brzmi: re-worked. Czyli chlopcy jednak nie zglupieli do konca i wbrew zapowiedziom Marweasa przynajmniej w jakiejs postaci narzedzia sieciowe wspomagajace graczy przetrwaja. Wreszcie jakas dobra wiadomosc...

While leagues/ladders with large team sizes should still be possible, leagues/ladders with small team sizes should be possible as well. When we say the multiplayer game is for 2-32 players, we mean it!

...tu pozostaje pytanie, czy nadmiar trybow gry nie doprowadzi do podzielenia sceny. Gdyby to byla scena wielkosci CS, bym sie nie martwil, ale wystarczy zobaczyc, co classic zrobil z T2...

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 08-05-2003 11:02
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

"Normal mapping allows us to put extra detail into models without having to use any extra polys. There are in fact some kinds of detail (surface etchings, rough surfaces) which are virtually impossible to do using polys only. It also allows us to do per pixel specular lighting on objects, which really helps give an impression of realism and depth to surfaces (especially metallic or shiny surfaces). It really brings the character models to life, and gets rid of that flat 'computer graphicsy' look that most games these days suffer from."

Will Tribes: Vengeance incorporate selectable offensive and defensive spawn spheres? Reason: The question is particularly important for tournament mode where, for example, a HOF and LD would choose the defensive spheres to spawn closer to the flag while the HO and LO could choose the offensive spheres to spawn closer to a vehicle pad or forward tower.

...tu jest odpowiedz na powyzsze:

We're reconsidering how spawning works, but that's all we can say for now.

...pewnie simon by zasugerowal respawn w bazie przeciwnika, hihihi

Compaired to T1 and T2 classic, how fast (aka acceleration and sking) is t:v?

...o, to bylo ciekawe pytanie ;-) Oto co wysmazyl Kinetic Poet:

This isn't an easily measurable comparison. Unit scales among the three games differ completely, maps are designed differently, art assets are scaled differently, and then of course the physics systems and the parameters therein are completely different. T:V was re-designed from the ground up in all these respects. The goal is to achieve a highly enjoyable sense of depth perception where you fight against actual people instead of small specks, while maintaining the capacity to reach speeds that feel exhilarating.

There are different weapons, equipment, vehicles, environments, physics, art assets, ways of playing the game, etc. There are also weapons, equipment, vehicles, environments, physics, art assets and ways of playing the game that are very similar or identical to T1 and/or T2.

Completely different armor models per Tribe.

We are looking at changing the Command Map to suit our game, which has different requirements to T1 or T2. So yes, we'll be developing it in a different direction to previous Tribes games.

...byle bez bledow, prosze

Can't give specifics, but I will confirm that there _are_deployables.

...slyszysz, czworeczka?

We're based on Unreal so we have access to the same features implemented by UT2K3, which includes auto-downloading of various assets as well as server re-direction. We haven't yet revealed the extent to which we'll support these features.

...o, tu jest cos wartego komentarza. Autodownloading w UT nie byl rozwiazaniem wszystkich problemow, gdyz w praktyce i tak trzeba bylo dociagac wszystkie wieksze mapy recznie (a w T2 mozna skorzystac z autodownloadu z tribes2maps). Natomiast jest cos, do czego ten autodownload sie naprawde przyda: sa to skiny i loga klanowe.

You'll have access to the same editor, scripting system and in-house tools that we use to make the single player game.

We've already seen the 2 weapon mounts on the Heavy model. Will a player using the heavy be able to use both weapons at the same time (akimbo) or will he be limited to fireing 1 weapon at a time as in the previous games? Sorry, that concept is apparently deceiving. Those weren't two weapon mounts. There are no plans to allow armors to fire two weapons at once.


Will it have an inbuilt Ladder system. No. Our philosophy is that the community can run leagues and ladders while we do our best to enhance and facilitate the process.

...pieprza tak, jakby opracowanie takiego systemu przy - podobno majacych byc narzedziach sieciowych - zajmowalo lata. Tydzien dla dobrego programisty. Moze miesiac z testowaniem. Nie. Niech sobie lamki zalatwiaja serwery, pisza skrypty i maja ten caly burdel na glowie...

Will there be any implementation of things to be user-friendly towards shout-casters/TribesTV type things? Yes.

...niby fajnie, ale bede sie cieszyl, gdy sie dowiem, co to znaczy "things". Na razie jakos UTV mnie nie pociaga i jest o rzad wielkosci (albo i dwa) gorsze od tego, co mamy w T2...

Will the bases in Vengeance have moving parts such as elevators or doors? Unreal supports actors called "movers", which are essentially a static-mesh scripted to move between a number of set positions.

...tia, troche takich rzeczy brakowalo... byle bez przesady a la Phobos w nowym UT

Although we agree that Tribes movies are interesting and exciting, and that it'd be nice if the process for creating them was simplified, we can't promise any advanced support at this time.

...to sie zmieni. Popracuje nad tym, a mam pewne argumenty, ktore moze panom w IG przemowia do rozsadku.

We can use any combination of the following Skin layers set up in a Shader: Diffuse, Opacity , NormalMap, PerPixelSpecular, SpecularityMask, PerPixelReflection, PerPixelReflectionMask, SelfIllumination, SelfIlluminationMask

Will there still be an "inherited velocity" for the weapons like if you're jetting forward when you shoot your disc it will inherit some of your velocity and shoot a little off like how it is in tribes2?

...nerwowe wyczekiwanie na odpowiedz... ktora brzmi...

Some weapons wouldn't work without inherited velocity, so yes.

...i UFFFF bo powrot do infantylnej fizyki z Q3A czy UT bylby naprawde bolesny.

The quick chat system is customizable.

We're not releasing specifics about game types yet, but we've expressed our respect for the Arena and Duel game types in other threads. We've also stated our intention to offer ways of playing the game for anywhere from 2 to 32 players.

There has been mention of trees and grass swaying in the wind – is there any chance that wind will be a gameplay affecting element? eg. Players could build up speed faster or be restricted by a tailwind or headwind? Or maybe having water currents (which was done in Shock 2 - yes, I know.. different game engine) ?

...ciekawe pytanie. Oto odpowiedz:

There are environmental effects in the game, but we're not providing details yet. Drastic random events don't tend to be much fun (i.e. random lightning strikes that kill you).

...bym prosil jedynie o zmieniajace sie w czasie gry warunki pogodowe Milo byloby na przyklad na mapie pokroju Riverdance czy Damnation zaczac sie slizgac nagle szybciej - gdyz pada deszcz, a na mapie pokroju Beggar's Run slizgac wolniej - gdyz... pada deszcz. Poprosze wiecej "prawdziwego" swiata, uproszczona gre zostawmy "progamerom" :-P

We'll be in touch with you and other casting stations. We're eager to make broadcasting a more integral part of the game, but we're not going to discuss details publicly just yet. It's easy to deliver promises but more difficult to deliver features.

...cos tam o tej TV jednak mysla... kolejne uf.

Atmosphere: The general atmosphere and feel of Tribes 2 is quite a bit darker than in Tribes. Will T:V move back towards the lighter, brighter feel? Tribes: Vengeance will have a combination of both light and dark settings.

...to moze byc ciekawe, gdyz IG raczej wie, co to atmosfera...

One of the only things I disliked about Tribes and Tribes 2 was that a heavy armoured player skiing at Mach5 could be stopped dead in its tracks by a stationary light armoured player. Has this changed for T:V?

...oooo, doskonale pytanie, tez mnie to irytuje... Odpowiedz budzi nadzieje, ze bedzie lepiej:

It depends on the circumstances. But yes, under some circumstances, this has changed for T:V.

The focus for multiplayer is outdoors, although it's quite possible that well-designed indoor-only maps could be very fun, and we plan to experiment.

...to tez moze byc ciekawe. Walki wewnatrz pomieszczen powinny moim zdaniem grac wieksza role. Rozumiem, ze na Recalescence nie gra sie zbyt ciekawie na flagi, ale zdobywanie cudzej bazy 3-4 juggerami albo walka o odbicie wlasnej... sa fajne, czyz nie?

We have plans for advanced server administration features, but we're not publicly discussing them yet. Server administration is one topic in particular where we can benefit greatly from community feedback. We appreciate your ideas on this matter.

Our goal is for it to take skill/practice to achieve and maintain high speeds, more like T1 and (to a lesser extent) T2 Classic. However, our goal is also for it to be easier to achieve and maintain low-medium speeds so that non-hardcore players don't feel as frustrated as they do in T1. It's a tricky balance to strike, but we're working hard on it. Movement is the heart of the game.

...a to mnie zirytowalo, bo tak durnie prostego skiingu jak w classicu nie widzialem. Ja poprosze skiing na poziomie trudnosci z T2 z mapy Slapdash, panie Poeta...

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 08-05-2003 11:04
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

Retard Control: TAC2 has a feature called the sinbin. Basically, anyone misbehaving gets shoved in there for a while. It's just an observer without global voice and no menus. Are there any plans for similar features in T:V ?? Yes.

We are working with some outside companies to see if we can't get Tribes included in some of the professional gaming leagues. I can't guarantee anything, but we are working on it.

...tia, to bylby plus istnienia teamow o mniejszej liczbie osob. Z drugiej strony bylaby to tez niezla promocja gry.

Will the Disc laucher actually look like to does in the picture or different? Nope. That disc-launcher is from the proto-type. The new disc-launcher will look completely different and fire horizontally.

There'll be a boundary outside of which regular gameplay won't be possible. Sorry for the broad answer.

...z czego nijak nie wynika, ze bedzie mozna poruszac sie swobodnie w dowolna strone. Nie wynika tez, ze nie bedzie mozna... Boze, chron nas przed ponownym zapuszkowaniem...

Will Tribes: Vengeance feel/look/appear anything like UT2/Unreal 2 at all, even remotely? I know your not using any of their textures (just engine), but does it (at the moment) feel/look like a UT game?

...jeeees. Wysmienite pytanie, ktore po przetlumaczeniu brzmi mniej wiecej tak: czy s********ie layout graficzny gry tak, jak zostal spieprzony w UT2003, czy tez nie? Oto odpowiedz:

We have diffferent artists, different aesthetic priorities and different requirements - our goal is to create an entriely unique visual style for our game. Currently, it doesn't look/feel like a UT game.

...szczerze mowiac o to akurat sie nie boje, gdyz projekty graficzne, a wiec ksztalty przedmiotow i postaci oraz pokrywajace je tekstury to kwestia zalezna wylacznie od grafikow, w niewielkim stopniu ograniczenia narzuca tu engine. Gorzej z tym nieszczesnym kodem sieciowym, ktorego ot tak sobie wywalic sie nie da...

will you be able to join clans like in T2 or you will have to write it before your nick like in T1 ?

...ponowny powrot do pytania o narzedzia sieciowe. Odpowiedz:

We're not commenting on specific "community features" yet. In general, T:V will have more community features than T1 but less than T2.

...nie jest niepokojaca. Pare rzeczy bylo niepotrzebnych, np. chaty czy fora ogolne... byle nie obcieli za duzo...

Can you guys say anything about what you're doing to combat cheating?

...kolejne wysmienite pytanie, cheatowanie jest integralna czescia sceny UT, a T2 jest w praktyce niemal calkowicie od takiego szczeniactwa uwolniony. Odpowiedz:

We design and implement features in such a way that cheating is discouraged as much as possible.

...mam nadzieje iz oznacza to, ze nie trzeba bedzie co tydzien instalowac odpowiednika nowej wersji CSHP...

Respawning players are not invisible.

...i dobrze, to niekiedy przeszkadzalo. Teraz dosc ciekawe pytanko:

Lastly what games did the lead designer Ed Orman previously work on, I'm just curious.

...i odpowiedz:

I did design work on Freedom Force. Before that, I was Lead Designer on Fallout Tactics for Interplay/Micro Forte.

...teraz bedzie poruszony ciekawy problem:

Many people are colour blind. 2 of the guys I work with are never really sure who they should be shooting at, which can cause problems. Answer: We are taking color-blind players into consideration when designing the markers.

...teraz bedzie spory cytat z listu Thraxa:

--- begin

In late 2001 Alex “Marweas” Rodberg convinced me that we should start working on a new Tribes game. That was quite a feat, because I had a sweet little military combat shooter that I was just starting work on and it meant I would probably have to give that project to another producer.

We put together a project plan and took it to our executive team. It included:

Tribes Aerial Assault (in some question at the time)

Patching T2

Creating the T2 mods and classic maps

Tribes Vengeance (pitched under the name code name Tribes Story)

An interesting and hard to classify project that went thru some (quite successful) testing and early design work but has been put on hold for now.
Oddly the most difficult pitch was the patching of Tribes 2.

It’s very important to note that without Alex none of this would have happened. In what was quite frankly a very dark time for the franchise he picked up the biggest light he could find and lead the entire executive staff to the land of jetpack lovin’.

Once we got the go-ahead (End of December 2001) Alex and I made a big list of all of our favorite developers and started calling them to see who would want to work on a Tribes game. I was very amazed at the response we got. Not only was everybody interested, but also they all seemed very enthusiastic about the project. We asked for proposals from our top seven developers on the big list and got to reading. Only two were really close to what we wanted - many saw Tribes as a tactical team combat game set in the future, like Rainbow 6 w/ jet packs. Of those two, Irrational’s proposal was clearly the winner, and their team also the most fun to work with, which all jibed nicely with our initial list which had them in the top position from day one.

By the end of February 2002 we had signed an agreement to build a prototype of the single player game, and by the end of July we had a full contract in place. The prototype was finished in October and the project given the green light soon after that.

During all of that, we hired z0dd, ZOD, KineticPoet, and Nefilim to build Classic, TR2, and the Classic Maps. To say hired is a bit of an exaggeration, as they likely made around $.25 per hour on the deal, but they did a great job and the TWL ladder is more active than it’s been in a long time.

The most difficult thing about this project has been figuring out the name. For most of the time when we were calling it Tribes The Next or The Next Tribes Game, we simply didn’t have a name. Because of the single player aspect we didn’t want to call it Tribes 3 and have people directly associate it with the first two multi-player only games, but every time we found a good name legal would tell us it was taken. It was Tribes Story for so long that Alex started to like the sound of that name and I just about had to beat him to get a real name out of marketing. Finally somebody in Australia suggested Vengeance, it wasn’t legally taken, and it fit the story well, so here we are… TV.

--- end

Gameplay: Body blocking has become a major device for defence. Do you plan to encourage this further. Yes.

Will there be an in-game option for changing your FoV? This hasn't been decided yet. Probably.

...zawsze pozostanie polecenie fov Chyba, ze zablokuja, w co watpie... Kolejne pytanie:

I bet that you're playing at least parts of the game internally. Are there certain moments that stand out in your mind as memorable?

...ma calkiem ciekawa odpowiedz:

Yes. Let's see, um...since it's already known that T:V has ragdoll, I guess I'll say that sending a body flying with a disc is quite memorable, especially at high speeds. Tribes was meant to have ragdoll.

...domyslam sie, ze ten "ragdoll" to interaktywne lancuchy kinematyki odwrotnej, jak to sie normalnie nazywa W kazdym razie faktycznie takie MA moze dac tu calkiem ciekawy efekt... W UT2003, niestety, cala interaktywnosc tych lancuchow redukuje sie do czegos w stylu Pinokia lezacego na podlodze...

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 08-05-2003 11:05
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

...teraz pytanko sprzetowe: na czym sie da grac?

It's safe to say that your 2.4/Radeon/512MB box will do just fine at the time of release. My 2GHz/GF4/512 box does fine now, and my AMD 1.2/512/9500Pro home machine does fine as well.

...a pamietajmy, ze gra bedzie za przeszlo rok...

The game is intended to be played in 1st person, so that's our focus, but yes, T:V includes 3rd person view and hopefully it won't suck.

...kolejne powraca do kinematyki odwrotnej:

We know ragdoll physics are definitely planned for T:V, but will there be an option to toggle it off to reduce the load on lower end machines?

...odpowiedz jednego z programistow:

yes, and there is a limit supplied on the amount of simultaneous ragdolls so even when its on it should not bog down

but trust me, you WONT want to turn it off!


...i kolejne ciekawe pytanie:

Will the game have, or are you thinking about having dynamic times, as to where the sun moves as time goes by or it changes from day to night in a given period of time?

Answer: We're not creating a system like that. However, the assets needed to set missions at different, static times (morning, noon, night) will be there.

...w sumie dobrze, nie wyobrazam sobie globalnego cieniowania w czasie rzeczywistym w grze. Za to moglyby sie zmieniac te warunki pogodowe... w koncu to kwestia teksturek...

...przy okazji wyszlo szydlo z worka:

T2 sold very well

...co oznacza, ze bylo niewypalem jedynie dla fanow T1

Is there going to be any protection against smurfing as somebody else ala T2 binding your nick to your account so others couldnt use it, or will it be like t1 again where you wernt sure if your mate was really your mate or just some 13 yr old fanboy.

...no... zaraz bedzie odpowiedz... ciekawe, czy chlopcy z UT beda sie cieszyc?

There's a means of uniquely identifying yourself but it's different than T2's solution.

...prawdopodobnie nie. Za to ja sie ciesze :-)

The jet-pack will work in a way very similar to previous Tribes games. Vehicles are completely new, and will move in new ways. To answer this a bit more specifically, there is greater freedom of movement to a certain extent, but not in terms of rotation.


T:V is in the spirit of T1 and T2, i.e. it favours prediction-based weapons over hitscan weapons. We agree that this is part of what makes Tribes stand out in the crowd.

...oh, yeah.

Ragdoll effects are currently for death animations only - we don't intend to have them affect gameplay in the sense you're describing.

...czyli Pinokie beda tylko po fragu. Ta profanacja pewnie by wzruszyla ILM (oni wymyslili kinematyke odwrotna na potrzeby "Parku Jurajskiego")...

Collision physics are being properly handled by the physics system.

...czyli gdy rozpedzony juggerek wpadnie na scouta, ten drugi efektownie sie od niego odbije. Homic, na klate goooo!!! Na klate!!! ;-)

Milej lektury

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 08-05-2003 11:06
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Combat (Death Knight)

Zarejestrowany: Jan 2002

ostatnie zdanie mnie rozbroilo
coz poczekamy, zobaczymy


Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 08-05-2003 12:16
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil JAKuS Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do JAKuS Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  JAKuS Dodaj JAKuS do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Aww, that's too late!

Zarejestrowany: Sep 2002
Lokalizacja: Szczecin


No, przedarłem się przez tekścik (wykorzystując czas pracy w sposób naprawdę pożyteczny). Zaczyna to teraz wyglądać jakby ciut lepiej.

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 08-05-2003 12:41
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Late Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Late Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Late Dodaj Late do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Late prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Skilled (Knight)

Zarejestrowany: Dec 2001
Lokalizacja: Ostrowiec Sw.

co do odbijania jugewrkami - mam w glowie obraz skonwerotanego mino i ho odbijajacych nekkidow zamiast ich strzelac))))) oby nie skonczylo sie na skaczacych generatorach itp.)))
i co to sa deployables yavorq? bo ja nic nie rozstawiam, ja tylko namawiam wszytkie krzaczki/kamienie/co tam jest w poblizu zeby pluly na tych czerwonych)))))
a powazaniej - przy fizyce mam pewne obawy zwiazane ze splinter cell i latajacych po pokoju ton malych obiektow odbijajacych sie od siebie
aaa, i prequel - mam nadzieje ze nie jest az tak bardzo pre- zeby kalasz wrocil))))

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 08-05-2003 13:40
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil 4DDh Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do 4DDh Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  4DDh Dodaj 4DDh do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać 4DDh prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
uber 1337zor

Zarejestrowany: Jan 2002
Lokalizacja: Szczecin

Prawde mowiac wyglada to nie najgorzej - na pewno lepiej niz wczesniej. Pewne obawy budzi we mnie kod (jezeli maja byc problemy przy 20 osobach to dziekuje) oraz wielkie zroznicowanie pancerza (dla kazdego Triba 3 rozne pancerze, o roznych charakterystykach???). Natomiast co do rzeczonych ragdolli to tego nie widze - jezeli mozna opcje wylaczyc, to one beda w 0% ineraktywne - po prostu cos co jest tylko efektem, nie ma zadnego wplywu na fizyke gry - nie mozna sie np. potknac (swoja droga brakuje mi tego - zatrzymujesz sie o ten mini-radar, zamiast potknac sie, ew. przewrocic na niego). Ale moze byc ciekawie. Przeraza mnie ta zupelna "innosc" (znowu bede newbie ). Mam jednak nadzieje, ze poziom chamstwa i lamerstwa nie wzrosnie bardzo w grze.

10v10/14v14 {ZORN} Simon Destroyer
2v2/3v3/4v4 [omg] Simon Destroyer

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 08-05-2003 19:10
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil borowies Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do borowies Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  borowies Dodaj borowies do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać borowies prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

Lecimy dalej...

people were saying before that they didn't like getting killed by the AI. are there any plans for turrets controlled by human players only?

...swoja droga to wielki LOL dla tych, ktorzy nie lubia byc zabijani przez "AI" turretow. Jesli bowiem ich zdaniem turrety maja "sztuczna inteligencje", to faktycznie... moze to byc nieprzyjemne... ;-P Odpowiedz na powyzsze:

Nope. However, we believe that human control should always be more effective than AI control.


will there be a command / admin option to simply rename both team's to clan names and force both teams to use custom skins on both models and bases? Answer: Team names, possibly something like this. Skins, nope...customization is client-side. Since it's always possible to override customization cilent-side, it doesn't make much sense to try and enforce it server-side.

What are you doing about helping new players, are you possibly going to make option help messages pop up? For example: If someone suits up as a heavy a message could appear saying:
"You are suited up in heavy armour, this is useful for Heavy on Flag or Heavy Offence". Answer: We are creating new and better systems for informing the player, including prompts and messages.

Will the game be a bit realistic like when you re injured you run slower or stuff like that or when you are in water you would be limited in time ?

...istotne pytanko, prywatnie bylby za (nawet za tym, aby jetpack mogl nawalic, jesli gracz zostal trafiony). Niestety:

Nope. That's a very RPG-style thing to do, and we're not making an RPG. Tribes: Vengeance is an action game.

...i dalej:

There are new deployable objects - and we consider them funky. No specifics at this time, sorry.

"Battle in vast locations from underground caverns and forgotten cities to acid wastelands and mighty coliseums"

...? A skonczymy we wnetrzu jakiegos stworka, niczym w Tomb Raider? Jakos mnie ta roznorodnosc nie podnieca... "Cube" byl niezlym filmem, scenografia jednak nie byla jakos specjalnie urozmaicona... Jesli ktos scenografia nadrabia brak atrakcyjnosci... albo udziwnionymi pomyslami scenariuszowymi... to moze byc nieciekawie. Albo infantylnie.

Will we be able to juggle dead bodies with the disc launcher?


Potentially ... although I'm not sure how useful being able to juggle a dead body is to the game ...

...bedziemy stosami trupow maskowac flagi, hihihi...

will you be able to bounce off vertical walls with the new physics? Sort of.

...ciekawa wypowiedz KP:

There are really two learning curves to consider: the skill curve, which involves learning how to most effectively use each individual object in the game (including your own armor), and the strategy curve, which involves figuring out what the heck everything does and how it can be used in various combinations both as an individual and as a team. Our strategy curve employs more equipment diversity than T1 but less than T2. Keep in mind that this doesn't necessarily mean that T:V has less strategic complexity than T2. Often the deepest and most beautiful forms of complexity emerge from very simple underlying rules. I recommend Stephen Wolfram's "A New Kind of Science" for related reading.

Will/Is the action in Tribes: Vengeance very faced paced like that of tribes 1 and not slow like tribes 2? I want to see non-stop action in Vengeance.

...pytanie kolejnego idioty, ktoremu sie wydaje, ze jesli gra jest wytapetowana akcja, to wtedy jest dobra... No coz... prywatnie bardziej sobie cenie wygranie meczu bez strzelania, ale moze jestem za subtelny Oto odpowiedz:

It's hard to compare perceptions of speed. Our goal is to create a fast-paced game, but "fast-paced" is very different than "non-stop action" which is more about intensity than speed. Intensity is largely a function of map design...smaller maps tend to be more intense while larger maps tend to be more laid back.

,,,tylko zapomniano dodac, ze gdyby w classicu mapy byly wieksze, tez mozna byloby tam powalczyc w polu. Nie wiem jak Was, ale mi najbardziej podoba sie w T2 wlasnie to, iz jest to gra w stylu "zabili go i uciekl". Tu sie wciaz kogos goni - albo jest sie gonionym, a sytuacje, w ktorych ten sam capper zabiera flage i ja przyklada sa mniejszoscia... No dobra, nie o moim wyobrazeniu gry mial byc to post...

Regarding the Julia model. When she takes damage will her clothing become torn and tattered...and eventually fall completely off???

...tu odpowiedz pomine

Is there any lava/quicksand (for example) in T:V besides water? Answer: We've already admitted to there being water I can't give a more specific answer at this stage.

The first new screens and such won't happen until around July or August most likely (note that I don't set those dates, PR does). The video we ran at the PRE3 event in LA probably won't ever see the light of day. We'll most likely capture all new video and work up a new piece that includes the cool stuff missing from that video (normal mapping, volumetric shadows, rag-doll animations, the new physics system, player skill, etc...).

KP - I understand you just got back from a motion-capture session in Sidney. I understand that you can't (!! )talk about what was captured, but perhaps you could talk a bit about how the sessions work, and what the technology is like.

...wiec opisuje:

Hmm! Alright...well there's a very large room with special cameras arranged around it, all pointing inward toward the center. This is the mo-cap room. Actors put on very tight-fitting spandex suits and strap numerous little balls all over their bodies. The cameras are designed to track the balls as the actors move around. All the data is fed into a central system for processing and storage. We work using takes, like in the movie industry. Some takes are synched to audio. Ben Lee, our art director, directed the takes with the help of Sylvia Chong and Ben Hutchings, our resident animation and cut scene gurus. I suited up and helped out with some acting, stunts, and various "monkey work." It's quite a cool fusion of the analog and digital realms, and it's very satisfying to see your game characters come to life when they have mo-cap data applied to them.

...btw jesli kogos interesuje motion-capture, w "Chipie" z chyba sierpnia czy wrzesnia ubieglego roku byl moj obszerny artykul na ten temat.

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 09-05-2003 10:46
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

...no i mamy...

I like that fact that UT2K3 no longer requires the CD to play. Tribes 2 is a pain because not only does it require the CD, it also requires a login to access the Master Server list.

...i co na to slyszymy? Ano to:

There will be copy protection. It will fall someplace between the honor system and a DNA scan. You will all bitch and moan about it. I will be forced to release the dogs with bees that shoot out of their mouths. Chaos (and hilarity) will ensue.

...czego kompletnie nie rozumiem, gdyz z jednej strony niby maja byc jakies narzedzia typu klany itp., z drugiej (jak, niestety, widac) pozegnamy sie z autoryzacja. Czym zas grozi brak autoryzacji przy gigantycznej niedojrzalosci, jaka w internecie prezentuja nawet 25-letni gracze, mowic chyba nie musze...

...a wydawalo mi sie, ze przechodzac do T2 na dobre wyrwalem sie z bagienka polskiego UT...

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 10-05-2003 09:19
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź

Zarejestrowany: Apr 2001
Lokalizacja: Częstochowa

http://gry.wp.pl/core.html?filtr=3,...26,5693,2157,-1 jeszcze jeden Tribes... tym razem na PS2


Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 10-05-2003 18:53
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Ulraunt. Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Ulraunt. Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Ulraunt. Dodaj Ulraunt. do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Ulraunt. prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Combat (Death Knight)

Zarejestrowany: Jan 2002

hyh, troche sie panowie spoznili

Napisane oryginalnie przez P0Z
http://gry.wp.pl/core.html?filtr=3,...26,5693,2157,-1 jeszcze jeden Tribes... tym razem na PS2


Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 10-05-2003 20:49
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil JAKuS Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do JAKuS Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  JAKuS Dodaj JAKuS do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź

Zarejestrowany: Apr 2001
Lokalizacja: Częstochowa

Moze jeszcze wersja na GBA komorki i aparaty cyfrowe hyhy.

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 10-05-2003 21:02
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Ulraunt. Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Ulraunt. Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Ulraunt. Dodaj Ulraunt. do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Ulraunt. prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001


Polecam. Jest pare ciekawych szczegolow o T:V, w tym kilka niezwykle interesujacych dotyczacych formy interaktywnej narracji zdarzen rownoczesnych, ze to tak madrze okresle. W sumie to, co opisuja w tym wywiadzie, sklania mnie do sugestii, iz jako gra offline T:V moze byc bardzo ciekawa rzecza. Zwlaszcza, ze juz od poczatku zwraca sie uwage na emocjonalne zaangazowanie gracza w kierowanie wiecej niz jedna postacia, specyficzny, nieliniowy sposob opowiesci oraz inteligencje przeciwnikow. Tu moze faktycznie zablysnac swiatelko, gdyz boty w UT, aczkolwiek - jak to boty - durne do bolu, wsrod botow z innych gier prezentuja sie niczym Albert Einstein przy polskiej scenie UT :-P

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 17-05-2003 12:14
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

"One of our goals is to "humanize" Tribes a bit more - show some of the workings of these monolithic military bases you usually see, show how humans could actually live there. The single-player game has given us the opportunity to show areas of the Tribes universe that have never been seen before - prisons, cave systems, gladiatorial arenas, massive spaceships, underground infrastructure - as well as the traditional military bases and rolling hills."

W sumie nie wyglada to zle patrzac pod katem opowiesci. Mam wiec nadzieje, ze przynajmniej w single playera da sie w toto grac...

"However, the look is less important than the way those environments are put together. Since Tribes is primarily an outdoor game, and the use of terrain combined with movement is key, we have to take that into account in the design of any map. That means making sure the terrain is able to give the player the information they need to move properly - so we accentuate gradients, pick out potential ski routes with textures."

Jeeees! Swietny pomysl! A po obu stronach trasy chodniczek i znaki ograniczajace predkosc lub nakazujace kierunek ruchu. Sugeruje takze posrodku tych teksturek narysowac przerywana linie, dzieki temu routy beda jeszcze lepiej widoczne z daleka, a ewentualne mijanki nie beda grozily zderzeniem.

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 27-05-2003 11:02
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Aww, that's too late!

Zarejestrowany: Sep 2002
Lokalizacja: Szczecin


loooooooool! rotflmao

cudownie! w koncu mina te ohydne chwile, kiedy praktykowalo sie godzinami aby znalezc odpowiedniego routa na capping lub HO. Co to to teraz, teraz mamy juz gotowe!

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 27-05-2003 15:05
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Late Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Late Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Late Dodaj Late do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Late prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Aww, that's too late!

Zarejestrowany: Sep 2002
Lokalizacja: Szczecin


Napisane oryginalnie przez Late

loooooooool! rotflmao

cudownie! w koncu mina te ohydne chwile, kiedy praktykowalo sie godzinami aby znalezc odpowiedniego routa na capping lub HO. Co to to teraz, teraz mamy juz gotowe!

Stanowczo protestuję! To nie ja napisałem, to Simon! Ja tak nie wyję! (chociaż oczywiście zgadzam się, że oznaczone routy do skiingu to kompletna paranoja).

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 02-06-2003 09:57
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Late Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Late Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Late Dodaj Late do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Late prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

Jest pare nowych screenshotow z T:V


Niektore wygladaja naprawde "klimatycznie", inne z kolei przypominaja koszmarki z UT2003... Wciaz nie wiem, co o tej grze myslec... Na razie na 90% wydaje sie, ze po T2 multiplayer w T:V nie bedzie mi pasowal (choc pewnie z uwagi na prostote i mniejsza liczbe graczy bedzie wiecej zawodnikow i klanow). Natomiast na 80% jestem przekonany, iz jako interaktywna ksiazka, a wiec singiel, T:V mi sie spodoba... Lubie pejzaze, nawet jesli zalatuja landszaftami

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 14-06-2003 13:40
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

A tak przy okazji... Nie wydaje sie Wam, ze IG chce wypromowac Julie (Trinity, my love... ) na kogos w rodzaju futurystycznej Lary Croft? Gdy tak sobie na te Julie patrze... czytam o zalozeniach singla... screenshoty ogladam... Wydaje mi sie to coraz bardziej prawdopodobne...

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 14-06-2003 13:50
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Aww, that's too late!

Zarejestrowany: Sep 2002
Lokalizacja: Szczecin

Nie podobają mi się te screenshoty. Wszystko jakieś nieklarowne, rozpaćkane i jakby lekko w rozkładzie. Coś jak Muddy Swamp, tylko gorzej. Bleee...

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 16-06-2003 06:58
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Late Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Late Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Late Dodaj Late do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Late prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001


Wreszcie screenshot z T:V, na ktorym wszystko do siebie idealnie pasuje...

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 22-06-2003 22:58
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Combat (Death Knight)

Zarejestrowany: Feb 2003

Thats not funny :-)

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 22-06-2003 23:17
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|Berserker Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do sYs|Berserker Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|Berserker Dodaj sYs|Berserker do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać sYs|Berserker prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Aww, that's too late!

Zarejestrowany: Sep 2002
Lokalizacja: Szczecin


O ile dobrze kojarzę, ten wojownik jest członkiem klanu King's Quest... chyba odcinek IV albo V...

Ale co tam, nareszcie będzie można postrzelać ze spinfuzora do ptaszków!

PS. Kurczę, nie zwróciłem uwagi na treść linku do obrazka. A już myślałem, że zrobiłem jakieś odkrycie...

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 23-06-2003 09:44
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Late Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Late Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Late Dodaj Late do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Late prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Leet (Friend)

Zarejestrowany: Apr 2002
Lokalizacja: ___Kanada___ Liczba Postów: 1337

to jest tribes tournament 2003!
szczegolnie screeny wnetrz baz niebezpiecznie przypominaja ut2k.
naprawde, bardzo sie martwie.
nawet Julia, tak jak ktos powiedzial, zdaje sie byc promowana na nastepna dziewczyne z Unreal II...

Oby to nie byl nastepny unreal, tylko z jetpackami...

As game journalists, we are the keepers of the flame, the true believers, the chosen few brave enough to keep the moron in oxymoron.
-- Robert Coffey, Computer Gaming World

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 23-06-2003 17:46
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Enigmus Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Enigmus Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Enigmus Dodaj Enigmus do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Enigmus prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Training (Enforcer)

Zarejestrowany: Mar 2003

Hmm.. No cóż, przynajmniej ma dekold pod szyje To juz postęp

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 23-06-2003 23:41
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|Trinity Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do sYs|Trinity Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|Trinity Dodaj sYs|Trinity do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać sYs|Trinity prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Combat (Death Knight)

Zarejestrowany: Jun 2003
Lokalizacja: TYCHY


proponuje bradz jugi i zagrac scoutem w pindbala

a co do podobienstwa do ut2k3 jestem na nie bo ta gra zniszczyla mi wyobrazenia co do UT... mialo byc tak pieknie

co do PS to musi byc kapa na maxa.. PC rules i tyle... i poco komu t2 na ps ? moze na multi zagra hyh

i grafa z ut2k3 jest troche bardziej wymagajaca... no ale macie jeszcze czas na upgrade

ale patrzac na fotki to tylko trawa tam lepiej wyglada...

zabije tego kto domnie strzeli

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 29-06-2003 17:03
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil FrYtA Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do FrYtA Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  FrYtA Dodaj FrYtA do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać FrYtA prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

No coz... Uwazam wybor engine'u UT2003 za nietrafiony, choc pewnie w tamtym czasie (ponad rok temu) nie mieli nic lepszego. Mam nadzieje, ze T4 wykorzysta engine np. Far Cry (to moj faworyt) lub HL2 (to moze byc faworyt, gdy obejrze wiecej materialow z otwartych map).

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 29-06-2003 18:43
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil sYs|yavor Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  sYs|yavor Dodaj sYs|yavor do Listy Znajomych Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Leet (Friend)

Zarejestrowany: Apr 2002
Lokalizacja: ___Kanada___ Liczba Postów: 1337

HL2 bylby swietny, biorac pod uwage piekna grafike, duze, otwarte levele i wymiatajaca fizyke...
natomiast UT, coz...
nasz utek juz jest stary...

btw, Yav, dostales w koncu te skany z zapowiedzi TV w computer gaming world?

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 05-07-2003 15:50
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Enigmus Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Enigmus Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Enigmus Dodaj Enigmus do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Enigmus prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Leet (Friend)

Zarejestrowany: Apr 2002
Lokalizacja: ___Kanada___ Liczba Postów: 1337

no, nie no, yav, nie mow ze sie na mnie obraziles za tego skana??

As game journalists, we are the keepers of the flame, the true believers, the chosen few brave enough to keep the moron in oxymoron.
-- Robert Coffey, Computer Gaming World

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 09-07-2003 15:28
Kliknij tutaj aby zobaczyć profil Enigmus Kliknij tutaj by wysłać e-maila do Enigmus Znajdź więcej post'ów przez  Enigmus Dodaj Enigmus do Listy Znajomych Kliknij tutaj aby wysłać Enigmus prywatną wiadomość  Edycja/Kasowanie Posta    Odpowiedź
Elite (Fiend)

Zarejestrowany: Oct 2001

Eeeeee.... Nie, naturalnie. Wyslales tylko na sgk... hm.... Ja tam dostaje jakies 20 pornospamow dziennie, nie dziw sie wiec, ze zagladam do tej skrzynki bardzo okazjonalnie. Naturalnie, dzieki wielkie za informacje. Sorry ze nie odpisalem, pisz nastepnym razem na moj prywatny adres.

Zgłoś post do moderatora | IP: Zalogowane

Old Post 09-07-2003 18:57
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