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Posted by Wania on 21-10-2001 20:09:

Exclamation Filmik z demka ?

Czy nie wiecie czasem, o istnieniu takiego programiku ktory, moglby przekonwertowac *.dem na *avi badz inny format !
(zdaje sobie sprawe z tego powodu ze demo jest w rzeczywistosci zbiorem waypiointow etc...) PliZZzzZ HELP !


Posted by on 22-10-2001 21:17:

Jakies 3 miesiace temu ktos pisal dokladnie jak to zrobic, byl chyba pozniej news na cs.fpp.pl - szukajcie a znajdziecie

Posted by [F|S|G] Fruit on 23-10-2001 08:19:

Re: Filmik z demka ?

Wania, sorki, ze nie na temat, ale wpadniesz do Nas czy nie? Na widok do Garga... i Profa i do mnie

Chcesz pogadac? Zapraszam na gg: 1118168
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[F|S|G] member

Posted by Wania on 23-10-2001 08:21:

Re: Re: Filmik z demka ?

Napisane oryginalnie przez Fruit
Wania, sorki, ze nie na temat, ale wpadniesz do Nas czy nie? Na widok do Garga... i Profa i do mnie

nie mecz , a kieeedys wpadne .. narazie nie mam WOGOLE czasu .... non stop cos mi w weekend ywypada (impry, etc), ale skorzystam z zaproszenia, lecz nie teraz ;p


Posted by [F|S|G] Fruit on 23-10-2001 09:15:


To mozesz z jednej impry zrezygowac chyba, nie?

Chcesz pogadac? Zapraszam na gg: 1118168
Zapraszam na board klanowy [F|S|G] na stronie: http://f-s-g.prv.pl
Mail me: [email protected]
[F|S|G] member

Posted by Wania on 23-10-2001 09:36:



Posted by Wania on 23-10-2001 09:38:

pomysle .. wlasnie mi sie jedna impreza zwolnila .. mozliwe ze wpadne .. chyba ze bede miec jakas klanowke :p


Posted by yebisu on 23-10-2001 17:10:


wania - nigdy nie rezygnuj z imprez wiem co mowie...
ostatnio zrezygnowauem z jednej na rzecz innej i co sie okazauo?! ze na te druga nie mam juz pieniedzy!!
wiec korzystaj z zycia poki masz za co

takie jest przynajmniej moje zdanie....

be cool take a beer (c) Retail

Posted by [SUN]Lis3n on 23-10-2001 17:59:

shit happens

No matter how hard you try you can't stop [SUN] now

nie ma to jak panienki z Bulowic

mail me : [email protected]
give me a sign GG : 1454393

Posted by Wania on 24-10-2001 06:41:

Napisane oryginalnie przez yebisu
wania - nigdy nie rezygnuj z imprez wiem co mowie...
ostatnio zrezygnowauem z jednej na rzecz innej i co sie okazauo?! ze na te druga nie mam juz pieniedzy!!
wiec korzystaj z zycia poki masz za co

takie jest przynajmniej moje zdanie....

Impreza sie zwolnila, tj. JEJ NIE MA .. powod ? Mam w sobote szkole + wyklad ;p


Posted by yebisu on 24-10-2001 18:00:

Napisane oryginalnie przez [FPP]Wania

Impreza sie zwolnila, tj. JEJ NIE MA .. powod ? Mam w sobote szkole + wyklad ;p

mi to jakos w imprezach nie przeszkadza
jedyny powod braku imprezy to kaska
ale i to rzadko sie zdarza najczesciej mozna na innych liczyc

be cool take a beer (c) Retail

Posted by on 24-10-2001 18:03:

yebisu prawidlowe podejscie do zycia!

Posted by [F|S|G] Fruit on 24-10-2001 18:14:

Napisane oryginalnie przez DeStRuCt0r
yebisu prawidlowe podejscie do zycia!

Ja tez popieram Yebisu

Chcesz pogadac? Zapraszam na gg: 1118168
Zapraszam na board klanowy [F|S|G] na stronie: http://f-s-g.prv.pl
Mail me: [email protected]
[F|S|G] member

Posted by on 24-10-2001 18:23:

Jacy zgodni jestesmy

Posted by yebisu on 25-10-2001 02:20:


dzieki za poparcie tego mi byuo trzeba bo juz zaczynauem powoli watpic w swoja postawe zyciowa
a taaaak dzieeeeeki
oto dlaczego zycie moze byc piekne

be cool take a beer (c) Retail

Posted by szefow3� on 25-10-2001 07:21:


First u must record a demo at any resolution (you'll change it later anyway) using the "record [demoname]" command, and stopping it using the "stop" command. Once you have your demo ready, change your resolution to 400x300 in the CS video modes. Go into the console and type "timedemo [demoname]" and let it play through the entire demo, this will get it all cached. Now, you will type "startmovie [anyname]", then "timedemo [demoname]" right after. It will look as if you viewing it at 1fps, but that's normal. Once your demo is finished playing, type "endmovie". "Timedemo" will create a significantly larger demo file in your half-life dir (hundreds of megs depending on the time and resolution). If you have a fast processor, good video card and well over 1 gig of space u can increase the resolution, but I wouldn't recommend it.
You will need a program called mkmovie.exe http://www.pcgame.com/files.cgi?url=*/hl/misc/mkmovie.zip&info=download&filename=mkmovie.zip to turn this file into bitmaps. Once you have mkmovie.exe downloaded, all you have to do is drag your large movie file over mkmovie.exe and it will create many bitmaps (depending on the size of the movie), into the directory of the movie. Once again make sure you have LOTS of room. You're going to need a program to make all the bitmaps into an avi, I strongly recommend Video Mach http://download.cnet.com/downloads/...st-7-1.6442423. It is a very easy program to use. Once you have downloaded it, load Video Mach up. Go to "File" "Open". Select all of bitmaps (from first to last) and click open. If none of them get imported, try selecting less at one time. Once you have all of the bitmaps imported, you can go through and delete and move all the scenes you want.
Now that you have all of the bitmaps in the order you want, click on the little disk icon above the middle box. First Create an output name, and select avi in the dropdown box (it might do that automatically though). Then click on the video tab. Find the Frame Rate box, and unselect "automatic", then unselect "keep original duration". I suggest using 15 fps (standard avi format). Now go to "Format Options". Video Mach already has some compression, but if you want to cut the file size in half, you can use DivX encoding. You'll want to use The "High-motion" encoding. In order for you to do this, and for you and others to view it, you will need the "DivX Codec", which you can find just about anywhere. Click OK to save the changes. Now click on the lighting bolt above the second box, it will start to create the movie. Once that is done you have a playable avi movie.
Because there's no sound in the avi, I would suggest using a program called Virtual Dub With this freeware you're able to open your previously saved avi and mix in a wav file (if you desire to use an mp3 you must first convert it into wav format first). When you've opened the video, select "Audio" and choose "WAV Audio" to locate your file. Now select "Video" "Compression" and be sure that it is on DIVX Fast Motion (if you previously chose that in Video Mach). Now simply go to "File" "Save As AVI" and you're done.

^jestem na dole |$$|

Posted by yoss on 25-10-2001 07:51:


Posted by [F|S|G] Fruit on 25-10-2001 14:51:

Napisane oryginalnie przez yoss

No nie? Ten to jest kozak Szefo, Ty to obcykany jestes...

Chcesz pogadac? Zapraszam na gg: 1118168
Zapraszam na board klanowy [F|S|G] na stronie: http://f-s-g.prv.pl
Mail me: [email protected]
[F|S|G] member

Posted by Wania on 25-10-2001 17:24:

Napisane oryginalnie przez szefow3�
First u must record a demo at any resolution (you'll change it later anyway) using the "record [demoname]" command, and stopping it using the "stop" command. Once you have your demo ready, change your resolution to 400x300 in the CS video modes. Go into the console and type "timedemo [demoname]" and let it play through the entire demo, this will get it all cached. Now, you will type "startmovie [anyname]", then "timedemo [demoname]" right after. It will look as if you viewing it at 1fps, but that's normal. Once your demo is finished playing, type "endmovie". "Timedemo" will create a significantly larger demo file in your half-life dir (hundreds of megs depending on the time and resolution). If you have a fast processor, good video card and well over 1 gig of space u can increase the resolution, but I wouldn't recommend it.
You will need a program called mkmovie.exe http://www.pcgame.com/files.cgi?url=*/hl/misc/mkmovie.zip&info=download&filename=mkmovie.zip to turn this file into bitmaps. Once you have mkmovie.exe downloaded, all you have to do is drag your large movie file over mkmovie.exe and it will create many bitmaps (depending on the size of the movie), into the directory of the movie. Once again make sure you have LOTS of room. You're going to need a program to make all the bitmaps into an avi, I strongly recommend Video Mach http://download.cnet.com/downloads/...st-7-1.6442423. It is a very easy program to use. Once you have downloaded it, load Video Mach up. Go to "File" "Open". Select all of bitmaps (from first to last) and click open. If none of them get imported, try selecting less at one time. Once you have all of the bitmaps imported, you can go through and delete and move all the scenes you want.
Now that you have all of the bitmaps in the order you want, click on the little disk icon above the middle box. First Create an output name, and select avi in the dropdown box (it might do that automatically though). Then click on the video tab. Find the Frame Rate box, and unselect "automatic", then unselect "keep original duration". I suggest using 15 fps (standard avi format). Now go to "Format Options". Video Mach already has some compression, but if you want to cut the file size in half, you can use DivX encoding. You'll want to use The "High-motion" encoding. In order for you to do this, and for you and others to view it, you will need the "DivX Codec", which you can find just about anywhere. Click OK to save the changes. Now click on the lighting bolt above the second box, it will start to create the movie. Once that is done you have a playable avi movie.
Because there's no sound in the avi, I would suggest using a program called Virtual Dub With this freeware you're able to open your previously saved avi and mix in a wav file (if you desire to use an mp3 you must first convert it into wav format first). When you've opened the video, select "Audio" and choose "WAV Audio" to locate your file. Now select "Video" "Compression" and be sure that it is on DIVX Fast Motion (if you previously chose that in Video Mach). Now simply go to "File" "Save As AVI" and you're done.



Posted by [FPP]zorro on 25-10-2001 17:59:

szefo anglista

a ty wania chyba nie masz W OG�LE czasu

�ycie jest jak g�wno na kole, raz na g�rze, raz na dole

Posted by on 25-10-2001 19:22:

i co mowilem, ze gdzies o tym bylo

Posted by Wania on 26-10-2001 06:21:

Napisane oryginalnie przez [FPP]zorro
szefo anglista

a ty wania chyba nie masz W OG�LE czasu

brakuje mi kilku stron w slowniku ortograficznym ...

FRUIT, bede u Was w sobote, zzaraz po szkole, czyli okolo godziny 17 PASI ?


Posted by mAJKiEL on 27-10-2001 11:38:


mam jeszcze jeden pomysl na zrobienie filmu z demka puscic demko na monicie i nagrywac kamera a potem tunerem zgrac na dysk z kamery i jeszcze jeden robic screeny np paint shopem z lecacego demka a potem poskladac klatka po klatce w animation shopie

Posted by szefow3� on 27-10-2001 13:54:


chyba mam wyrafinowane poczucie humoru

^jestem na dole |$$|

Posted by Wania on 27-10-2001 18:36:

Napisane oryginalnie przez mAJKiEL
mam jeszcze jeden pomysl na zrobienie filmu z demka puscic demko na monicie i nagrywac kamera a potem tunerem zgrac na dysk z kamery i jeszcze jeden robic screeny np paint shopem z lecacego demka a potem poskladac klatka po klatce w animation shopie



Posted by [F|S|G] Fruit on 28-10-2001 07:17:

Napisane oryginalnie przez [FPP]Wania

brakuje mi kilku stron w slowniku ortograficznym ...

FRUIT, bede u Was w sobote, zzaraz po szkole, czyli okolo godziny 17 PASI ?

Widzish Wania... nawet nie zdazylem tego postu przeczytac, a Ty jush u Nas byles... LOL A jakby co to zadzwonie... albo Ty sproboj do mnie jak sie bedziesh wybieral... a Ty Szefo zaluj ze nie chcesh do Nas wpasc... spalili bysmy sobie cosik ... ah ta MJ

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